Sunday, June 16, 2013

How to make a Snowflake with ribbon

Todady,my DIY sharing is a Snowflake with ribbon,here are the picture.

Do you like this awesome design?if you want to make it yourself,just join us!so i will tell you the details of the DIY process,Are you ready?

What you need:
(1)white Paper sheets
(3)black satin ribbon
(4)Paper Clip/Glue stick/carbon Pencil 
  1. Fold the sheet of paper into a triangle then Cut the exceeding piece of paper to make a perfect triangle.
  2. Fold the triangle again to make a smaller triangle and Make a cut following the length of the triangle and stop a little bit before the edge.
  3. Fold the two center cuts and glue them together. Use your finger as shown in the picture, holding the pieces together for a few seconds and allowing them to dry a bit.
  4. Turn over the square. Fold the two second cuts and glue them together. Use your finger as shown in the picture, holding the pieces together for a few seconds and allowing them to dry a bit.
  5. Glue the sides of three of the points and then glue the three ends together. Repeat this for the other three points. Then glue these two halves together.
  6. the last step is use the stripe ribbon you selected to hang the snowflake.
  • the ribbon you used: if you want it's more beautiful,you can use snowflake ribbon.

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